George Tilesch

Founder & President, PHI Institute for Augmented Intelligence

Dr. George Tilesch is a senior global innovation and AI expert, executive, and consultant, primarily in the transatlantic space.

For over 20 years, George has been active as a cross-sector and cross-industry conduit between AI ecosystems worldwide and as a trusted advisor for world leaders.

His global senior executive and strategy consulting leadership track record span decades with government leaders on all continents; Microsoft, Ipsos, and Fortune 50 Tech corporations; international organizations and global think tanks (World Economic Forum, Club de Madrid); startups/scaleups; and global social innovation leaders.

Dr. Tilesch is also the co-author of the 2020 book BetweenBrains: Taking Back our AI Future.

As a C-suite advisor, researcher, convener, keynote speaker, and guest lecturer at major universities, George is headquartered in Silicon Valley and circling the globe in pursuit of delivering on PHI Institute’s mission.


Kay Firth-ButterfieldCEO, Good Tech Advisory
Adrián Gonzalez Sanchez Data & AI Lead for Public Sector and Health, Microsoft, Spain
Alessio PecorarioCybersecurity & New Tech Expert
Ansgar KoeneGlobal AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader, EY
Brando BenifeiMember of the European Parliament, EU AI Act Co-Rapporteur
Cécile AptelDeputy Director of Global Office of Research and Foresight, UNICEF Innocenti
Erik SlootenPartner, EY AI Confidence
Faisal Mohammed ALShimmariFounding Chairman, UAE Child Protection Association
Ferenc VágujhelyiGovernment Commissioner, Commissioner for National Tax and Customs Administration
Gábor ErdélyiDirector of Applied Data Science, University of Canterbury / Partner, Phi Institute
Gábor SzórádProduct director, SaferAI
Gianluca MisuracaFounder and Vice President on Technology Diplomacy, Inspiring Futures
Grégory HerréFounder and President, Ygdrazil Conseil
Gyula KovácsManaging Director, Co-Founder, Neuron Solutions
Imre PorkolábNational Security Office
Jakub Turowski Public Policy Director for CEE, META
John C. HavensDirector, Planet Positive 2030, Founding Executive Diretor of Global Initiative on AI Ethics, IEEE
László DrajkóFounder & Managing Partner, Cydrill Software Security
Levente SzabadosManaging Director, Co-Founder, Neuron Solutions
Maria Axente Senior research associate, University of Cambridge
Mario Hernandez RamosChair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence, Council of Europe
Miguel Valle del OlmoDigital Transformation Attaché, Spanish Permanent Representation
Olívia ErdélyiProfessor, University of Bonn & Canterbury / Partner, Phi Institute
Szabolcs SzolnokiDeputy State Secretary for Technology, Ministry for National Economy
Theodore BooneOf Counsel/Faculty Member, Dentons/Corvinus University
Tuan TrinhRegional Director East, EIT Digital