
On 2 October, 2023 the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) hosted an international conference on the regulation of artificial intelligence entitled “Humans in Charge – Steering the AI Age Responsibly”. The conference was prompted by the forthcoming European AI regulation and the recent rapid spread of AI which require all relevant responsible stakeholders to tune up thinking and awareness of the new technology in order to maximise societal benefits. 

The NMHH, which has made the responsible use of artificial intelligence a top priority, invited 13 international AI experts to speak at the event for them to present the European regulation’s risk-based approach to AI, describe the best practices they know of, either from a government or a private sector perspective, and draw attention to the challenges of AI as well as related areas, such as the protection of personal data and children, or the ethical use of digital services.

The conference was organised around four major themes, each exploring the potential impact of artificial intelligence from a different point of view.

  • Responsible AI on digital platforms, in telco and the media
  • AI, safety and security
  • AI regulation, ethics and governance
  • AI in society and public services


George Tilesch Founder & President, PHI Institute for Augmented Intelligence
Maria Axente Senior research associate, University of Cambridge
Imre BárdResearcher, Dutch National Education Lab AI (NOLAI)
Brando BenifeiMember of the European Parliament, EU AI Act Co-Rapporteur
László DrajkóFounder & Managing Partner, Cydrill Software Security
Olívia ErdélyiProfessor, University of Bonn & Canterbury / Partner, Phi Institute
Adrián Gonzalez Sanchez Data & AI Lead for Public Sector and Health, Microsoft, Spain
Andrea HalmosDeputy Head of Unit at the European Commission
Levente JuhászGovernment Affairs & Public Policy Manager, Google CEE
Kristel KriisaAI Project Manager, Estonian Information System Authority
Gianluca MisuracaFounder and Vice President on Technology Diplomacy, Inspiring Futures
Imre PorkolábNational Security Office
Erik SlootenPartner, EY AI Confidence


Dr. András Koltay, the president of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority is speaking at the "Humans in Charge – Steering the AI Age Responsibly conference in Budapest on 2 October 2023
András Koltay: In the age of AI, researchers, developers and decision-makers need to cooperate

The President of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, emphasized the need for collaboration among researchers, developers, and decision-makers for ethical AI development and usage.

While AI has great potential to enhance life quality and human efficiency, it also poses significant challenges, particularly with deepfake technologies eroding faith in digital reality. Koltay called for further exploration of the AI's legal implications, data protection, and vital ethical standards.

"Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez is speaking at the Humans in Charge AI conference in Budapest on 2 October 2023
Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez called for cooperation between government and the private sector

As Data & AI Lead for Public Sector & Health at Microsoft Spain, he highlighted the need for collaboration between government and private sector in managing AI. He emphasised the transformative potential of AI.

Sanchez underscored the importance of a cautious yet optimistic approach, referencing Microsoft's own AI regulation framework. He referenced Spain's progressive national AI strategy.

Maria Luciana Axente (PwC UK) gives her presentation at the "Humans in Charge – Steering the AI Age Responsibly" conference in Budapest on 2 October 2023
Maria Luciana Axente: The safety and protection of children comes first

Maria Luciana Axente, a renowned AI ethics expert and advocate for children's rights, spoke at the "Humans in Charge" conference, focusing on child protection in the digital age. She explored the opportunities AI offers in education and health but warned of its darker side, including reducing human interaction crucial for childhood development. Axente highlighted notable efforts, such as UNICEF's "AI for Children" initiative, designed to answer emerging ethical questions around AI and children's safety.

Brando Benifei (MEP, EU AI Act Co-Rapporteur) gives an online speech on the proposed AI Law of the European Union. The members of the audience watch him on the screens
Brando Benifei MEP on the draft AI Act of the EU

Brando Benifei, Italian Member of the European Parliament and co-rapporteur of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, spoke live via video link to the conference participants. He said that the title of the NMHH conference “Humans in Charge – Steering the AI Age Responsibly” encapsulated perfectly what they wanted to achieve with the new Community legislation: a set of human-centred rules that allow strong human oversight, minimise risks and promote the reaping of the benefits.

Olivia Erdélyi internationally recognized AI ethics and policy expert is speaking on the stage at the Humans in Charge AI conference in Budapest on 2 October 2023
Olívia Erdélyi on AI governance: consistency, scientific rigour, expertise, a multi-layered regulatory structure

Prof. Dr. Olívia J. Erdélyi addressed the issue of AI regulation at the "Humans in Charge" conference, noting its current inconsistencies and suggesting the adoption of a risk-based approach like the EU's in the formulation of AI governance. She emphasized the importance of using consistent, scientific terminologies and developing regulations that technical staffs can accurately implement. 

ianluca Misuraca futurologist and AI expert (AI4GOV) gives his presentation at the Humans in Charge AI Conference held in Budapest on 2 October 2023
Gianluca Misuraca: governance of, with and by AI

Italian researcher and AI4GOV founder Gianluca Misuraca spoke at the "Humans in Charge" conference on AI governance and the vital role of the public sector. He emphasized the importance of managing AI's potential benefits and risks for public services and society. Misuraca noted government's role as AI regulator, user and facilitator, and highlighted the challenge of adopting AI in public services while protecting citizens, especially under uncertain outcomes. He also stressed the need to prepare the workforce for increased AI use.

The conference was closed with a speech by George Tilesch
George Tilesch concluded the conference by stressing the convergence of technology, regulation and social inclusion

At the "Humans in Charge - Steering the AI Age Responsibly" conference, George Tilesch, international expert and PHI Institute for Augmented Intelligence's founding president, emphasized on the convergence of technology, regulation and social inclusion in anticipation of AI Act's implementation. He expressed the vital need for proactive planning and hoped the conference’s insightful discussions would help Hungary prepare for its upcoming EU presidency.


Participants of the first panel discussion: Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez (Microsoft), George Tilesch (PHI Institute), Imre Bárd (Dutch National Laboratory), Erik Slooten (T-Systems International), Krisztina Bombera (moderator)
Responsible AI in Digital Platforms, Telco & Media - Panel Discussion #1

The panel discussion on 'Responsible AI in Digital Platforms, Telco & Media' focused on AI's role in these sectors and exploring strategies, challenges, and regulatory compliance. The panel comprised experts from Microsoft Spain, PHI Institute for Augmented Intelligence, OpenAI and T-Systems International.

articipants of the second panel discussion: Maria Luciana Axente (PwC UK), László Drajkó (Cydrill Software Security), Imre Porkoláb (NATO DIANA), George Tilesch (PHI Institute), Krisztina Bombera (moderator)"
AI, Safety and Security. AI for Good and Protecting the Next Generation - Panel Discussion #2

The panelsists – who are internationally renowned AI experts – discussed AI's power as a constructive force but also potential threats and risks. The main focus was on creating awareness regarding AI safety and security, protecting vulnerable populations, particularly the youth, and the role of institutions and defense against AI misuse.

The participants of the 3rd panel discussion: Olivia Erdélyi (PHI Institute), Levente Juhász (Google), George Tilesch (PHI Institute), Krisztina Bombera (moderator)
AI Regulation, Ethics and Governance - Panel Discussion #3

The world is nearing consensus on ethical AI, presaged by the anticipated EU AI Act. Questions of creating norms, operationalizing them, and establishing governance structures are central. Leaders are expected to understand AI policy, ethics, and communicate its implications effectively.

anel discussion 4: Gianluca Misuraca, Kristel Kriisa, George Tilesch and Krisztina Bombera. Andrea Halmos (on the screen) is listening to the conversation
AI in Society & Public Services - Panel Discussion #4

The fourth panel discusses AI-infused government services as a key area for AI introduction in society. Questions revolve around EU political readiness for AI, creating trustworthy AI environments, the role of AI sandboxes, and partnerships between public authorities and AI leaders. The participating panel experts hail from a diverse array of AI-related fields.