
Humans In Charge 2024 - International Symposium
on AI Ethics, Policy, and Governance

Hosted by the NMHH (National Media and Infocommunications Authority), this invitation-only event, which is now held for the second time, aims to convene luminaries in the field of the responsible use of artificial intelligence from across the globe, focusing on the profound and pivotal topics of AI ethics, regulation, policy, and governance.

Building upon the remarkable success and quality of its inaugural session in 2023, Humans in Charge is on track for becoming a household name for its special approach on fostering a practice-oriented transformation of “Responsible AI” worldwide.

This year the Symposium is poised to ascend to new heights of relevance and influence. Now spanning two days, our agenda is designed to interweave the depth, breadth, and practical know-how transfer of AI governance, highlighting the critical transition from theoretical frameworks to actionable insights. Moreover, with the parallel waves of organizations adopting AI and the EU AI Act being a reality, there is a justified sense of urgency that adds to the momentum and need for practical guidance. 

Our prestigious speakers – coming from the EU, the US, the UAE, New Zealand and other regions – offer invaluable perspectives on our thematic explorations, contributing to a rich tapestry of dialogues and insights. The symposium is structured to ensure a dynamic and interactive experience for all participants, featuring plenary sessions, keynote addresses, panel discussions, and hands-on workshops, all aimed at equipping our distinguished guests with practical and actionable insights. 

Humans in Charge 2024 is not just an annual international event but a nexus where the future of AI governance is shaped. Our ambition is to organize a gathering as well as to foster a nascent community of practice that reflects both diversity and expertise, featuring the leading representatives from major corporations, governments, academia, and influential international bodies. With a keen focus on operationalizing AI governance, we seek to explore and address high-level questions and operational challenges in equal measure, paving the way for a future that optimizes machine intelligence responsibly – and that keeps humans in charge.

The Symposium is a private, invitation-only event. If you would like to participate in the Symposium, please get in touch with us,  or please fill out the registration form.
We will get back to you to confirm if your registration is accepted.



Kay Firth-ButterfieldCEO, Good Tech Advisory
George Tilesch Founder & President, PHI Institute for Augmented Intelligence
Adrián Gonzalez Sanchez Data & AI Lead for Public Sector and Health, Microsoft, Spain
Alessio PecorarioCybersecurity & New Tech Expert
Ansgar KoeneGlobal AI Ethics and Regulatory Leader, EY
Brando BenifeiMember of the European Parliament, EU AI Act Co-Rapporteur
Cécile AptelDeputy Director of Global Office of Research and Foresight, UNICEF Innocenti
Erik SlootenPartner, EY AI Confidence
Faisal Mohammed ALShimmariFounding Chairman, UAE Child Protection Association
Ferenc VágujhelyiGovernment Commissioner, Commissioner for National Tax and Customs Administration
Gábor ErdélyiDirector of Applied Data Science, University of Canterbury / Partner, Phi Institute
Gábor SzórádProduct director, SaferAI
Gianluca MisuracaFounder and Vice President on Technology Diplomacy, Inspiring Futures
Grégory HerréFounder and President, Ygdrazil Conseil
Gyula KovácsManaging Director, Co-Founder, Neuron Solutions
Imre PorkolábNational Security Office
Jakub Turowski Public Policy Director for CEE, META
John C. HavensDirector, Planet Positive 2030, Founding Executive Diretor of Global Initiative on AI Ethics, IEEE
László DrajkóFounder & Managing Partner, Cydrill Software Security
Levente SzabadosManaging Director, Co-Founder, Neuron Solutions
Maria Axente Senior research associate, University of Cambridge
Mario Hernandez RamosChair of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence, Council of Europe
Miguel Valle del OlmoDigital Transformation Attaché, Spanish Permanent Representation
Olívia ErdélyiProfessor, University of Bonn & Canterbury / Partner, Phi Institute
Szabolcs SzolnokiDeputy State Secretary for Technology, Ministry for National Economy
Theodore BooneOf Counsel/Faculty Member, Dentons/Corvinus University
Tuan TrinhRegional Director East, EIT Digital


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1133 Budapest

