Alessio Pecorario

Cybersecurity & New Tech Expert

Alessio Pecorario is a Vatican Official and cybersecurity and new technologies expert.

Alessio’s passions and skills are focused on the service of human dignity and the planet, advancing integral human development in the digital age is, for him, a foundational and personal mission.

As a PhD in constitutional comparative law, he has over 15 years of experience developed in sensitive roles in international multilateral organizations, including the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Council of Europe, and Vatican Institutions, including the Financial Intelligence Authority, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DIPHD), the Security Task Force, within the Vatican Covid-19 Commission (VCC), and the Secretariat of State.

Alessio has the privilege to operate in institutional contexts that have given him the opportunity to be guided by some of the most ancient understandings of humanity, all while working at the forefront of contemporary and emerging technology.

He has forged a unique network of partners and experts from the public and private sector, as well as international organizations, civil society and religious authorities.

Alessio has traveled to the four corners of the earth on external missions to various symposia, conferences, and the like while representing the organizations and institutions he has served.

He speaks Italian, English, French and Spanish, and he can read Arabic.


Panel discussion on "AI in Society and Public Service."
AI in Society & Public Services - Panel Discussion #4